KannaX Callback Decorators

In addition to available Pyrogram Decorators, kannax comes with its own custom decorators to handle callback functions.


Decorator for handling messages containing command text and custom flags or command prefixes.


~ $ ~ [Mandatory] ~ $ ~

  • command: str Command name to be executed (without a command trigger prefix)

  • about: str | dict Describe your function, this will be used to parse help strings. This can be a single string or a dictionary containing keys and values as mentioned below.

    • Options Available for about (dict):

      • header: str Title of your command [Example]

      • description: str Describe the working of your command [Example]

      • flags: str | dict Mention available flags in your command [Example]

      • options: str | dict Mention available options that can be used with your command [Example]

      • types: str | list Specific types with which your command can be triggered [Example]

      • usage: str Syntax with which user should trigger command [Example]

      • examples: str | list An example on how to use your command (a list containing examples is also supported) [Example] [Example]

      • others: str Additional note that you would like to give [Example]

      • wild card: str | dict | list This can be used to give customised title and description other than above defaults. Syntax: The title you want to declare should be key of dictionary and value should be a string, or another dictionary or a list. [Example]

      {tr}: This option can be used in usage or examples to replace default . prefix of command trigger with custom user defined Config.CMD_TRIGGER

~ $ ~ [Optional] ~ $ ~

  • group: int The group identifier of callable function. [default: 0]

  • name: str A name for your command. [default: '']

  • trigger: str A custom trigger for your command. Useful when you want commands to be triggered only by some specific triggers only. [default: Config.CMD_TRIGGER]

  • filter_me: bool Specify who can access this command. If False everyone can access this command else if True only userbot owner and sudo-users* can access this command. [default: True]

  • allow_private: bool Specify if your command should work in private chats or not. [default: True]

  • allow_bots: bool Specify if your command is intended to work for bots chats. [default: True]

  • allow_groups: bool Specify if your command works in group chats. [default: True]

  • allow_channels: bool Specify if your command works in channels. [default: True]

All above allow_* keyword arguments are simply provided to prohibit specific chat types to ensure the proper functioning of your callable function.

  • only_admins: bool Specify if your command (i.e. callable function) needs admin privileges in current chat (groups or channel) to be used. [default: False]

  • allow_via_bot: bool kannax supports bot account session too. And since due to some Telegram Restrictions bots can’t trigger some API calls, and in order to avoid BotMethodInvaild error this argument can be passed as True to prohibit command execution if the client is set to bot. [default: True]

  • check_client: bool By passing True kannax will check if current client is bot or not. [default: False]

  • check_downpath: bool If True, kannax will make sure that Config.DOWN_PATH exists. [default: False]

  • check_change_info_perm: bool Pass True to check if the current kannax client has Change Info Privileges in current chat before further execution of the program. [default: False]

  • check_edit_perm: bool Pass True to check if current client has Edit Permission in current Channel before further execution. [default: False]

  • check_delete_perm: bool Pass True to check if current client has Delete Permissions in current chat. [default: False]

  • check_restrict_perm: bool Pass True to check if current client can Restrict Users in current chat. [default: False]

  • check_invite_perm: bool Pass True to check if the current client has Privileges to Add Users to export a private invite link, etc… [default: False]

  • check_pin_perm: bool Pass True to check if the current client has Privileges to Pin Messages in the current chat. [default: False]

  • prefix: str Set a custom prefix to detect flags in a message. [default: '-']

  • del_pre: bool Pass True to get a dict of flags without prefix. [default: False]

[*]: Works only if the command is allowed to be triggered by sudo users via addscmd


Here, we will be explaining how to use on_cmd briefly with some example which will try to cover almost all above mentioned parameters.

Firstly import kannax client to your program as on_cmd can be accessed as an attribute of kannax client.

from kannaximport kannax

Now we have imported kannax client. For example let’s make an echo command that will take an input and send it back to the current chat.

from kannax import kannax, Message

@kannax.on_cmd("echo", about={
    'header': "Echo",
    'description': "Just give me some text and i will send it back",
    'usage': '{tr}echo [some text]',
    'examples': '{tr}echo Hi'})
async def echo(message: Message):  # Message is just for type hinting 
    text = message.input_str
    if text:
        await kannax.send_message(message.chat.id, text)
        await message.edit("Give some text")

Point to Remember:

  • Unlike pyrogram decorators, kannaxdecorators return only one positional argument i.e Message. Just in case you want to use client methods you can either directly access them via imported kannax (as shown in above example) OR use client attribute of modified Message class of kannax(as shown below)

await message.client.send_message(message.chat.id, text)
# using message.client is recommended as kannax support dual client (i.e user client and bot client)
# by using this method it ensures that the correct client make requests to API

Let’s say, now we need our command to take input from the replied message when a specific flag is passed then,

from kannax import kannax, Message

@kannax.on_cmd("echo", about={
    'header': "Echo",
    'description': "Give any text i will repeat it",
    'flags': {'-r': "I will take text from replied message if u send command with this flag"},
    'usage': "{tr}echo [flag (optional)]",
    'examples': ['{tr}echo Hi', '{tr}echo -r']})
async def echo(message: Message):
    text = message.input_str
    if '-r' in message.flags and message.reply_to_message:
        text = message.reply_to_message.text
    # ... rest of the code for echo.

However, now we want the following modification in echo command:

  • It should work only in groups.

  • Can only be triggered by > prefix.

  • Change - flag prefix to *.

  • Anyone can use this command.

To do this all we need to do is take the same code and alter some parameters,

# skipping to decorator 
@kannax.on_cmd("echo", about={"header": "Echo"  # and so on ...
    # To make it work only in groups we will have to disable channels, bot and private chats. 
    allow_private=False, allow_channels=False, allow_bots=False,
    # now to change trigger prefix
    # change flag prefix
    # allow all users to trigger command
async def echo(message: Message):
    # ... rest of the code

That’s all for kannax.on_cmd for more examples check out our Plugins in main repo or unofficial plugins repository


Decorator for handling filters.


~ $ ~ [Mandatory] ~ $ ~

  • filters: pyrogram.filters One or more pyrogram filters.

~ $ ~ [Optional] ~ $ ~

Same as in on_cmd

  • group: int

  • allow_private: bool

  • allow_bots: bool

  • allow_groups: bool

  • allow_channels: bool

  • only_admins: bool

  • allow_via_bot: bool

  • check_client: bool [default: True]

  • check_downpath: bool

  • check_change_info_perm: bool

  • check_edit_perm: bool

  • check_delete_perm: bool

  • check_restrict_perm: bool

  • check_invite_perm: bool

  • check_pin_perm: bool


Let’s make a simple program to detect incoming audio and video files in any chat but not in channels. So …

from kannax import filters, Message

@kannax.on_filters(filters.audio | filters.video, allow_channels=False)
async def my_filter(message: Message):
    if message.audio:
        m_type = "audio"
        m_type = "video"
    await message.reply(f"{m_type} detected!")

Now let’s optimize it for a specific chat. Let say I want to filter from @kannaxsup. So we only need to add an extra filter to filter that chat.

from kannax import filters, Message

@kannax.on_filters(filters.chat(['@kannaxsup']) & (filters.audio | filters.video))
async def my_filter(message: Message):
    # rest same

That’s all for kannax.on_filters for more examples check out our Plugins in main repo or unofficial plugins repository

Last updated